Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I don't know where to begin and I have a feeling this blog post is going to be going every which way. I apologize for that in advance. 

Faith is such a small word but such a difficult one for me. By definition faith means confidence or trust in a person, thing, deity, or in the doctrines or teachings of a religion. This whole journey has taught me one thing, my faith is very small. I trust God to provide in the big scheme of things, but the day to day I can't see it and I am really  start struggling with doubt. How can I doubt Him when so far on this journey He has shown me this is where we are suppose to be. He has opened every door and provided everything thus far. 

While on my journey to Southeast Asia I struggled so much with faith, for provision, and with doubt. I doubted my motives for going on the trip at that time and again for provision for the trip. At that point I had pretty much all the money for the trip but still stressed day in and day out about the finances. One night God came to me in a dream saying "let go Hannah I have you" my response was so me I told God, the God that created me and has everything in His power I couldn't, I was scared." Finally I let go and He caught me. Why do I want to hold on to this? Worrying and doubting gets me no where but sick to my stomach and grouchy. It makes everyone around me grouchy and just makes everything awful. 

The other day while reading my Bible I came across Joshua 1:9 " Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." It was like God was talking to me. Telling me again stop worrying and doubting Him. He has this. Most days I can overcome it with God's help. Other days I struggle all day and can't seem to shake it. I ask for prayer for us on this journey. I feel as if the journey to get to YWAM is just as important as the journey we will begin once we leave the states. I pray that you will consider sponsoring and praying for us along this journey. We can for surely feel your prayers so far and we thank y'all for that!  


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