Thursday, September 5, 2013

The harvest is plenty

So this week we have been talking about missions. It's so funny how we think we are really doing our job as a Christian and bring the Good News to everyone but I feel that we are 1, afraid of man, and 2, we are to comfortable in our lives to get up and go. Guys we have to wake up and do what we are called. Give your lives fully to God and ask what He wants from you. Is it to be bold for Him in the work place? Or is He calling you to go? Be brave! Go! 

Here is a statistic for you to see how much we are needed...

Tribal: for every 1 million tribal people, there is 60 cross cultural workers
Hindu: for every 1 million Hindu, there is 2 cross cultural workers
Unreligious: for everyone 1 million unreligious person, 12 cross cultural workers
Muslim: for everyone 1 million Muslims, 6 cross cultural workers
Buddhist: for everyone 1 million Buddhist, 13 cross cultural workers

If this doesn't get your heart churning I don't know what is. We are called to be His hands and feet! 

This week has been super emotional for me. My heart is for children/orphans. I want to be there for them. Give them a voice!  I have so many ideas to better them before they get a "forever family." I want them to know the love of a family, but most importantly the love of the Father. A Father that will never leave or abandon them. A love so overwhelming and consuming! I don't know what to do right now? I'm learning how to lean on Him everyday. He is my strength!

I am here preparing to be sent out and am so ready to go and I see these statistics daily. It breaks my heart because again I feel like we have just gotten comfortable in our specific church pews. This is a wakeup call to everyone! Wake up and let's get to work. God was gracious enough to let us in on this journey, so lets get moving. He entrusted us with something that is so important so why have we let it fall. I am not just "preaching" to y'all but also myself. We as a group need to wake up and get moving. Start praying for the missionaries that are already out on the field, the ones that are preparing to go, or for God to  start stirring someone's heart. We could be the sender, sending people out, preparing them for it, supporting them, being there for them as they go out on the mission field. Welcomer, lets get out and welcome the foreigners in. We are called to take great care of our foreigners and yet we fail on this one. Goer, be willing to be sent out, open your heart for that call. I am so grateful for the people that have stepped out and acted on this calling. Lets continue to lift them up. So lets go people! Lets start taking the those steps of faith and trusting God.